17 December 2011

Centerkan header

Assalamualaikum, tuto ni khas utk header.
Baru ni aku da buat untuk post and sidebar title.
Sekarang untuk header pulak. Hihi

1. Dashboard > design > edit html > tick expand widget

2. ctrl + F and cari code nih:

/* Content
3. Copy code at bawah ni:
 Header img {margin-$startSide: auto; margin-$endSide: auto;}
4. Then paste atas  /* Content.

5. Preview dulu, baru save.

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Buat Sticky Post

Sticky post ni cam entry yg korang buad tu,
akan jadi first of ur entry.
Bila korang buat entry baru, kena scroll bawah lagi.
Biasanya orang guna sticky post ni,
untuk umumkan sesuatu.
Cam contest or ape2 la.
Nak buad ikut sini.

 save image

1. Dah siap taip entry, click Post Options

2. Pastu, click Scheduled at.

3. Isi tarikh sampai bila entry tu nak bertempek kat situ.

4. Isi masa sampai bila entry tu nak ada kat situ.

5. Publish post and done guys!

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Delete Nav Bar

Hai..aku dah buang nav bar,
Korang bila lagi?
Nak buang buad camni..

1. Dashboard > Design > Edit html > Tick expand widget

2. ctrl+F and cari code ni:

/* Variable definitions
3. Copy code ni:
 #navbar-iframe {display: none !important;}
4. Paste atas  /* Variable definitions.

5. Save.

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Open link in new tab

Assalamualaikum dan hai.
Nak buad tuto yg tajuk kat atas tuh.

1. Dashboard > Design > edit html > tick expand widget

2. ctrl+F and search code :

3. Pastu copy code neh and paste bawah <head>.
 <base target='_blank'/>

4. Save dan siap.

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Delete Attribution "Powered by Blogger"

Hai, neh ada lagi yang menyemak nih.
Menyerabutkan blog je kan.
Aku dah delete dah, korang nak delete?
Jum delete, hahaha.

save image

1. Dashboard > Design > Edit html > Tick expand widget

2. Ctrl+F and cari code neh

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
3. Tukar yg true tu kpd false ok?

4. Save.

5. Gi kat page element and remove je gadjet powered by blogger.


Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Delete 'Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atoms)'

Mesti ada yg menyampahkan dengan menda alah ni.
Haha, aku pun geram gak. Menyemak je.
Delete ajelah, Haha

save image

1. Dashboard > Design > Edit html > Tick expand widget
2. Ctrl + F and cari code:

<b:include name='feedLinks'/>
3. Delete je code tu, and save!

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Letak nota/ayat bawah entry

Hari ni aku nak buad tuto yg senang gila.
Haha, pejam sebelah mata pun boleh buad.
Tuto letak ayat bawah entry cam neh

save image

Kan, macam2 ayat boleh isi. Nak buat? Jum2
Lagi cepat lagi bagus en, hehe

1. Log in > Dashboard > Design > Edit html > Tick expand widget
2. Ctrl + F and cari code neh:

3. Then, copy code kat bawah neh and paste bawah code yg korang cari tadi.
 <hr/><center><b>AYAT YANG GEMPAK KORANG </b></center><hr/>
4. Preview and save. Done!

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

16 December 2011

Check harga blog

Tadi baru check harga blog aku whoaa..
Murah gilaa,
hmm. blog baru en? Takde follower lagi.

Nak tengok ke harga blog aku neh?
Hahaha, malu ah. blog korang en gempak2.
Haha, meh sini aku tunjuk.

save image

Kau hado murah gini?
Hahahaha, nak check tak?
Check sini lah! ni kat SINI.

okay, byebye :D

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU


Hai, nak buat tuto pasal blockquote.
Bagi blogger baru, mesti kurang arif kan ngan blockquote ni. Huhu
Ni dia contoh blockquote tu.

save image

Yang kotak tuh. haha, paham? bagusss!
Moh la kita buad!

1. Log in > Dashboard > Design > Edit html > Tick expand widget
2. Tekan ctrl+F serentak and cari code neh:

3. Copy code bawah ni pulak,
.post blockquote {
background: #FCDFFF;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;
 padding: 6px;
Border: 2px solid #FFFC17;
 margin:1em 20px;}
4. Then, paste atas code yang korang cari tadi.
5. Yang aku kaler merah tu, tukar la yang korang nak. Kat SINI.
6. Save and well done guys!

p/s: nak buad blockquote tuh tekan button neh ok?

save image

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Falling flower petals

Tadi kita buad falling love en?
Sekarang kita buad falling flower petals lak ok.
Bagi aku yang ni lagi comel kot.
Haha, tapi ikut taste masing2 en?
Tak sabar dah? Jumlah buad. 
1. Log in > Dashboard > Design > Add a gadget > html/javascript
2. Copy code bawah neh:
<script>if(typeof jQuery=='undefined'){document.write('<'+'script');document.write(' language="javascript"');document.write(' type="text/javascript"');document.write(' src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js">');document.write('</'+'script'+'>')}</script><script>if(!image_urls){var image_urls=Array()}if(!flash_urls){var flash_urls=Array()}image_urls['rain1']="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IQXNv-_CBLE/TpWcK7LL4VI/AAAAAAAAG0I/bcxYcqc_uI0/pinkpetal1.png";image_urls['rain2']="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-teXCIicWPF4/TpWcLLg0A2I/AAAAAAAAG0U/IPPCr1gponc/pinkpetal2.png";image_urls['rain3']="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3JG9HLECCRU/TpWcLZGSYtI/AAAAAAAAG0g/zIJINua93TE/redpetal1.png";image_urls['rain4']="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BByhQEK5E24/TpWcLux4xRI/AAAAAAAAG0s/x2hIr1AV_Ac/redpetal2.png";$(document).ready(function(){var c=$(window).width();var d=$(window).height();var e=function(a,b){return Math.round(a+(Math.random()*(b-a)))};var f=function(a){setTimeout(function(){a.css({left:e(0,c)+'px',top:'-30px',display:'block',opacity:'0.'+e(10,100)}).animate({top:(d-10)+'px'},e(7500,8000),function(){$(this).fadeOut('slow',function(){f(a)})})},e(1,8000))};$('<div></div>').attr('id','rainDiv')
.css({position:'fixed',width:(c-20)+'px',height:'1px',left:'0px',top:'-5px',display:'block'}).appendTo('body');for(var i=1;i<=20;i++){var g=$('<img/>').attr('src',image_urls['rain'+e(1,4)])
.css({position:'absolute',left:e(0,c)+'px',top:'-30px',display:'block',opacity:'0.'+e(10,100),'margin-left':0}).addClass('rainDrop').appendTo('#rainDiv');f(g);g=null};var h=0;var j=0;$(window).resize(function(){c=$(window).width();d=$(window).height()})});</script>
<script>if(typeof jQuery=='undefined'){document.write('<'+'script');document.write(' language="javascript"');document.write(' type="text/javascript"');document.write(' src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js">');document.write('</'+'script'+'>')}</script><script>$(document).ready(function(){var a=$('<img>').attr({'src':'http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IQXNv-_CBLE/TpWcK7LL4VI/AAAAAAAAG0I/bcxYcqc_uI0/pinkpetal1.png','border':0});$('<a></a>').css({position:'absolute',right:'0px',top:'22px','z-index':'90'}).attr({'href':'http://tutorialuntukblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/tutorial-kelopak-bunga-berguguran-di.html'}).append(a).appendTo('body')});</script>
3. Paste jela dalam tu erk.
4. Save. Senang je kan?

credit to : tutorial untuk blogspot 

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Falling love kat blog

Assalamualaikum semua. Camne malam ni? 
Ujan tak? Kat sini dah tak ujan, dah berenti tadi.
Haishh, tak mengatuk lagi. Aku nak buad tuto lahh!
Tuto falling love kat blog. 
Ala, yang love jatuh mcm hujan kat page blog korang tula.
Ada paham? Jum try!

1. Log in > Dashboard > Design > Add a gadjet > html/ javascript
2. Copy code kat bawah ni ye.
<div style="text-align:center;font-size:8px;width:150px">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://blogparts.spark-atv.com/java/hearts3.js"></script></div>
3. Then, paste jela dalam tuh. Save dan tengok hasilnya.

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU

Scroll Box For Archive List

Sekarang aku nak buat tuto yang cam tajuk kat
atas tuh.. hehh!
tau tak neh, tau?
Tau takpe lah, kalau taktau,
ni dia contohnya!

save image

cari code neh:
<div id='ArchiveList'>
copy code neh, then paste atas  <div id='ArchiveList'>
<div style='overflow:auto; width:ancho; height:250px;'>
cari code ni pulak ok.
 <b:include name='quickedit'/>
copy code ni, paste bawah <b:include name='quickedit'/>

Dia akan jadi camney ok, cer tengok. Sama tak ngan korang.

save image
Kalau sama, baguslah. 
Preview dan save! done! 

Thanks for reading this entry. ILOVEYOU